What do you want for Christmas?

What do you want for Christmas?

How many times do you get asked this? How many people ask you? How many times do you answer, oh nothing? Well I am going to tell you what to ask for this year.

First let me start by reminding you that January first is just around the corner. All over my Facebook feed I will see New Year, New Me. Everyone will be getting gym memberships. They will start their “diets”. They will be spending a fortune trying to lose weight. Why not use Christmas as a starting point? Why not have other people buy the things you are going to need just one week later? Brilliant?  I thought so.

Now here is my list of things you could ask for for Christmas.

Sam’s Club Membership
I hear you, why am I buying MORE FOOD? Because you are going to be fixing your breakfast and taking your lunch. You are going to be buying in bulk and take those little Rubbermaid containers full of carrots and celery. You’ll have the small bag of chips. You’ll buy meat in bulk and fix it on the weekend so you have something to take to lunch every day. You’ll need bottled waters and protein drinks (and believe me Sam’s Club has the best price on bottled water).

Lunch Box
We just learned you’ll start taking lunch to work with you, you have to put it somewhere. You will need a lunch box, maybe that lunch crock pot so you can have a warm lunch. You will also need those little ice packs to keep your lunch cold

You want to keep track of how good you are doing. You are competitive, so you’ll want to be able to beat your buddies steps. So tell someone to get you a fitbit or a Garmin. Have them spend their money on some thing you want but don’t really “need”.

Nutri Bullet
I like the Nutri Bullet better than the Ninja BECAUSE the blades are dull. Those ninjas are deadly. But you need something to help you make smoothies. You have to start eating breakfast and the quickest way to do that is to just drink it. I mix my protein drink up with strawberries and bananas and get half my protein for the day and enough carbs to get me started all in one.

Coupon Organizer
Yep, you need some way to keep all those coupons that you are going to clip organized. Now I hear you asking, why am I clipping coupons. It’s because eating healthy, IT’S EXPENSIVE

Now we get to the FUN stuff

Gym clothes
Those heavy fleece lined sweats are terrible at they gym. They weigh you down. You spend they whole time trying to pull them up. And honestly you don’t look cute in them.  What you need are some new gym clothes. The clothes they have nowadays are made for working out. The keep your body temp regulated. They have odor control in them. They wick the moisture away from your skin. They do their job as long as you are doing yours. So go out and get some gym clothes, don’t forget the bag either.

Shoes and socks
I know that shoes and socks aren’t really fun, but they are necessary for they gym. And I’m not talking cute little pink sneakers that you bought on clearance. I am taking about shoes fitted to you with socks that are made for sweating in. Go to your local running store and get fitted for your “special” shoes, believe me your feet will thank you.

You’ll want some tunes or a TV show to watch when you hit the gym. So maybe you need a special tablet just for the gym. Maybe an ipod. You’ll need some headphones. I suggest getting some wireless ones. If you’ve ever ran on a treadmill and snagged your wired headphones you know the fright of watching your phone go flying off the back of the treadmill. If you go to a gym like mine you might also want a few cheap pair of ear buds to listen to the tvs hooked up to the machines.

Injury repair
You already know that you are going to be SORE afterwards. So go on and get your ice packs, your heat pads and bandages.

Stocking Stuffer
Need some small suggestions. Get some body glide for that chub rub. Lip repair, I prefer vasaline. iTunes gift cards.

Good luck and good shopping

-from inside the mind of a fat girl

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